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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2016年第5期99-104,131共7页

摘  要: 1931年“九一八”事件爆发,中国局势引发世界瞩目,政府组建全国性通讯社并收回路透社等外国通讯社在华发稿权,成为势在必行的事情。作为20世纪三四十年代路透社驻华记者及其远东分社负责人,赵敏恒利用其特殊身份助成中央社收回路透社在华发稿权,进而在推动中国新闻界与国际新闻界合作等活动中发挥了重要作用。探索赵敏恒为中国争取国际话语权的活动及其国际新闻观,为当今中国对外报道和国际传播提供些许借鉴,亦是纪念这位中国现代新闻(教育)家的最好方式。 After Shenyang Accident happened on September 18, 1931, the political and military situation in China attracted more attention all over the world than before. It was necessary for the government of National Republic of China to establish a state news agency and regain the press right from Reuters of UK, the United Press of America, etc.. Thomas Chao, a Chinese journalist worked for Reuters, took the advan- tage of his position as Reuters' journalist and helped The Central News Agency regain the press right both in Chinese and in foreign languages from Reuters, and thus he played an important role in strengthening the corporations between China journalism and foreign journalism field. This article aims to analyze Thomas Chao's international news view and his activities to gain the international discourse right for China, which will be beneficial to international publicity of China today and an appropriate method to memorize Thomas Chao as a Chinese modern journalist.

关 键 词: 赵敏恒 中央通讯社 路透社 收回在华发稿权 国际话语权

分 类 号: [G214]

领  域: []


