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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学经济学院

出  处: 《当代财经》 2009年第2期76-81,共6页

摘  要: 一国内部区域经济的开放属于某种“二重”开放——区际开放和国际开放。以中国区域经济开放的“二重”性特征为前提条件,分三个层面实证考察中国制造业区域集聚中的区际开放和国际开放因素:一般层面的“二重开放”与制造业区域集聚之间的关联性;省际层面的制造业集聚诸因素中的“二重开放”因素;时间与地域有别层面的“二重开放”集聚效应差异。借助成熟模型进行的数据分析表明,在这三个层面,“二重开放”的制造业集聚效应均明显可鉴。研究还显示,入世前,国际开放的制造业集聚效应大于区际开放;入世后,区际开放的制造业集聚效应超过了国际开放。国际开放与区际开放对制造业集聚影响力度的改变,与中国区域经济“二重开放”路径模式相吻合。 The opening up of a country' s internal regional economy belongs to some kind of "double opening" inter-regional opening and international opening. With the "double" nature of the opening up of China' s regional economy as a prerequisite, this paper conducts an empirical study on the factors affecting inter-regional opening and international opening at the regions with concentrated manufacturing industry from three levels: on the general level, the relationship between the " double opening" and the regional concentration of manufacturing industry; on the inter-provincial level, the "double opening" factor among the many factors affecting the gathering of manufacturing industry; on the level with difference between time and region, there is a difference of concentrated effect of the "double opening" The analysis of data with the mature model shows that on these three levels the concentrated effects of the manufacturing sector at the "double opening" regions are generally obvious and can be learned. The study also shows that before having access into WTO, the concentrated effect of the internationally open manufacturing industry is bigger than the inter-regionally open manufacturing industry; while after entering WTO, it is the opposite. The change of the influence of international opening and inter-regional opening on the manufacturing sector coincides with the mode of the "double opening" path taken by the China' s regional economy.

关 键 词: 区际开放 国际开放 制造业集聚 二重性

分 类 号: [F061.5]

领  域: []


