作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
出 处: 《福建师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版》 2009年第2期 56-61,共6页
摘 要: 本文从交际修辞观的视角着眼,建立了新的旨在描写和解释言语交际活动的调控修辞理论。认为修辞是言语交际活动中的话语效果调控行为,即发话人有效调控言语交际的进程和交际的参与因素,运用针对性的话语策略,最大限度地促使发话人所期望的话语效果的成功实现。并对修辞的本质与性质、修辞调控的过程、修辞策略的构成等进行了新的探索。 Based on the perspective of linguistic communication, the author purports to establish a new rhetoric theory - rhetoric modulating theory. The theory holds that rhetoric is a speech effect modulating factor in communication, that is, by using targeted discourse strategies, the addresser modulates effectively the process of speech communication and the correlative factors in order to achieve the expected discourse effect to the utmost degree. Moreover, the author also discusses the nature of rhetoric, the process of rhetoric modulating, the structure of rhetoric strategies and so on.
分 类 号: [H05]
领 域: []