作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
出 处: 《方言》 2006年第1期38-44,共7页
摘 要: 宜丰话词汇层面的声调有两种变异形式:表示小称的岛升变调和表示名词属性的高平变调。名词变调是词语名词化的一种变调方式,小称变调则是一种附加语义变化的语音表现方式,它表示的附加语义是“小”和“少”之类,这种变调不仅限于名词,是一种跨词类的现象。本文在描写宜丰话这两种变调的功能及其特点,并认定宜丰话及赣方言中的一些声调例外词与小称变调有关。 The paper describes two types of the lexical tone change and their functions of Yifeng dialect in Jiangxi province. One of the types represents a classifier with a high lever contour as a tone change of lexical nominalization, and the other one is a diminutive with a high rising contour as a tone change signifying semantic addition, such as the meanings of being small or little. Thc author confirms that such tone change of diminutives can be found in all parts of speech in Yifeng dialect and any other Gan dialects.
分 类 号: [H116.4]
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