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作  者: ;

机构地区: 南方医科大学马克思主义学院

出  处: 《齐鲁学刊》 2013年第5期102-106,共5页

摘  要: 企业技术创新潜能是指企业的技术创新活动能力的潜在状态。企业技术创新潜能的开发,要经过四种形态即潜能、动能、功能、效能的依次转换,最终才能得以实现。从潜能到动能是技术创新潜能的发动;由动能到功能是技术创新方向的选择与着力;从功能到效能则是技术创新潜能开发的完成与跳跃。企业技术创新潜能开发的完整过程要经过四种形态、三次环节转换,包括内在能力的启动、投入劳动创造以及适应社会的需要,这一系列环节缺一不可。 The innovative potential of the enterprises means the potential state in the technical innovation activity of the en- terprise. It will go through four types of converted, that is potential,kinetic energy, function, performance. Only thus can it fi- nally achieved. It launches technical innovation potential from potential to kinetic energy. It orientates and concentrates from ki- netic energy to function is technical innovation.It defines the finishing stroke and jumping from function to efficiency in potential development on technical innovation.The complete process will experience the conversion in four forms and three sessions. It in- cludes booting the intrinsic ability, inputs labor creation, and meeting the needs of the society.The series of links are indispensa- ble.

关 键 词: 技术创新 潜能 开发

分 类 号: [F273.1 F121.3]

领  域: [] []


