作 者: ;
机构地区: 肇庆学院
出 处: 《戏剧:中央戏剧学院学报》 2009年第3期74-80,81-87共14页
摘 要: 粤剧红船班历经数百年的发展,逐渐形成了一套组织健全、形式多样,且具有岭南特色的人才传承模式。粤剧的人才培养,除传统的拜师学艺及科班习艺等方式外,主要是以跟班学艺及偷师为主,由于旧时粤剧艺人常年乘坐红船巡演于四乡,故只能将学徒带在身边传授技艺。粤剧界的拜师大多流于形式,要想学真功夫,主要靠偷师。旧时粤剧盛行通宵演戏,这就为学徒提供了更多观摩学习和舞台实践的机会。 After several hundred years of development, a well-organized training pattern took form for Cantonese opera in the Red Boat Troupe, featuring diverse means and distinctive characteristics of the Lingnan area. In addition to apprentice and formal training, immersion-observant learning in a troupe was popular, since old Cantonese opera troupes travelled perennially on boats, and gave all-night performances.
分 类 号: [J82]
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