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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东金融学院

出  处: 《内蒙古师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版》 2007年第2期 98-103,共6页

摘  要: 目前关于政府作用的模型有三个,即看不见的手模型、扶持之手模型以及掠夺之手模型。从不同的角度出发,看待政府的作用各不相同。在转型的约束条件下,政府除了完成市场化国家政府的一般职能外,其职能还需要重新界定。首先强化人力资本的投资;其次,转型国家的政府必须协调利益集团之间的关系;再次,提高财政能力;最后,转型国家的政府要注意克服信息不对称的问题。政府可以充当看不见的手听任市场的自行其是,也可以采取扶持之手推进改革的顺利进行,还可能伸出掠夺之手与民争利,因此,限制政府的掠夺之手使其成为有限而又有效的政府,是至关重要的。政府转型成为中国经济转型的重要制约因素。 At present, governments can serve in three kinds of function models: the invisible hand model, the helping hand model and the grabbing hand model. The functions of a government are different seen from different perspectives. Besides the general jobs that need to be finished in a market state, the functions of a government under the constraints in economic transition need redefining. The government first has to strengthen the investment in human capital; then coordinate among different interest cliques ; thirdly promote its finance capability and finally pay attention to the problem of asymmetric information. The government could act as an invisible hand, which lets the market operate freely, as a helping hand to support the smooth development of the reform and could even act as a grabbing hand to grab interests from people. Therefore, it is essential for a government to limit the grabbing hand to make itself a limited and effective government. Government transition becomes an important element limiting the economic transition of China.

关 键 词: 看不见的手 扶持之手 掠夺之手 转型经济 政府作用

分 类 号: [F123.16]

领  域: []


