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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东石油化工学院

出  处: 《云南农业大学学报:社会科学版》 2015年第4期108-113,共6页

摘  要: 本文旨在对Moodle平台人机互动翻译教学模式进行探索。研究对象为笔者所在高校英语专业两个自然班级。研究工具主要为由笔者设计并依托Moodle平台创建的"大学生翻译理论与实践在线练习"系统(TTP-CLEO)、前后测试和SPSS分析工具。本研究者首先对受测学生所使用的翻译基本技法总体频率进行归类,然后运用Descriptive Statistics和One-Way ANOVA分析法对两种班级的样本数据均值进行对比分析。研究结果表明:实验班学生与控制班学生对于主要测试之九种基本翻译技法的使用频率均值存在显著性差异,二种不同班级学生的单个翻译技法使用频率均值亦有较大不同,且前者的总体频率均值明显大于后者。实验班学生对于所学翻译技法的使用已接近"初步使用"水平,而控制班学生则介于"基本不使用"和"初步使用"之间。基于Moodle平台的人机互动翻译教学模式的探索与实践在国内较为少见,对于打破传统翻译教学的诸多局限,进一步提高学生的翻译水平,无疑是一次积极的尝试和探索。 This paper aims to explore the Moodle-based man-machine interaction translation teaching model. The subjects were the college English majors of two natural classes taught by the researcher of the present study. The research tools were the Moodle-based TTP-CLEO designed and developed by the researcher himself,the pretests and posttests,and the SPSS. Frequencies of nine specific translating techniques were classified based on the subjects' translations for comparative analyses in use of Descriptive Statistics and One-Way ANOVA. The results show that there are significant differences between the overall frequencies of the translating techniques employed by the participants in the pretests and posttests,as well as big differences between the frequencies of the participants' individual techniques used. Furthermore,the frequencies of the experimental class are apparently bigger than those of the controlled class,demonstrating that the former reaches the level of"preliminary use",while the latter the level between "nonuse" and "preliminary use". This Moodle-based man-machine interaction translation teaching model rarely seen in China is proved to help break various limitations of traditional translation teaching,doubtlessly as an active attempt and exploration.

关 键 词: MOODLE平台 人机互动 在线翻译练习 探索与实践

分 类 号: [H319]

领  域: []


