作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东金融学院
出 处: 《中国软科学》 2013年第9期187-192,共6页
摘 要: 本文运用了中国东部、中部和西部三个区域十四个省份自1999~2006年8年的数据,以人均GDP为被解释变量,存贷利率差和银行集中度为解释变量,并将进出口总额占国内生产总值比值、CPI和固定资产投资总额作为控制变量,采用固定效应模型研究放松管制下银行竞争和区域经济增长之间的关系。得出了银行竞争与经济增长之间有显著的负相关关系,说明由政府主导的高度集中的银行体制对我国的经济增长并不利。 Considering that China is gradually spreading the Interest Rate Liberalization and the strategic adjustment of state-owned economy to incentive the Marco Economic this article examined three regional 14 provinces including the east, central and western of china and used the data from 1999 to 2006 8 years,with per capita GDP as to be explained variables, interest rates spread and bank loan for interpretation of concentration of variables, and will total import and export volume ratio of gross domestic product,CPI and fixed asset investment amount as the control variables, using fixed effects model to study the next bank deregulation of competition and the relationship between the regional economic growth. Draw the conclusion that the bank between competition and economic growth there is a significantly negative correlation between that the government-led, the highly centralized bank system for China~ economic growth disadvantage.
分 类 号: [P76]
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