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作  者: ;

机构地区: 珠海城市职业技术学院

出  处: 《教师教育论坛》 2016年第7期31-37,共7页

摘  要: 网络进入Web2.0时代,信息技术的发展要求教师在教学实践活动中实现技术与教育有效整合。教师TPACK发展成为亟须解决的问题和教育技术领域未来研究的热点。学习的三大隐喻作为知识建构的理论基础越来越成为人们的共识。本研究将三种学习隐喻理论与协同知识建构的理念与方法嵌入教师TPACK发展的过程,构建出教师TPACK协同策略与发展路径。教师TPACK协同策略从基于获得隐喻的个体知识建构策略、基于参与隐喻的群组协同知识建构策略、基于知识创造隐喻的集体协同知识建构策略三个方面,以互相支持、层层递进的方式进行建构。协同策略建构的过程重构了教师个体知识体系,促进了教师TPACK发展和专业发展,进一步实现了集体知识的创造与共享。 With the develownent of information technology in the age of Web 2.0, teachers are required to integrate effectively technology and education in practice. More emphasis should be paid to teachers' TPACK development in the future research of education technology. More and more researchers think of the three learning metaphors as the theoretical foundation for knowledge construction. This research embeds the three types of learning metaphor into teachers' TPACK development process and builds teachers' TPACK synergy strategy and path of development with the collaborative knowledge. Teachers' TPACK synergy strategy should be built from three aspects: the individual knowledge construction strategy based on acquisition metaphor, the group collaborative knowledge construction strategy based on participation metaphor, and the collaborative knowledge construction strategy based on knowledge-creation by way of supporting each other. Teachers' individual knowledge system is reconstructed in the process of synergy strategy construction, which promotes teachers' TPACK development and professional development, and implements collective creation and knowledge sharing.

关 键 词: WEB2.0 教师TPACK 协同知识建构 学习隐喻 知识体系

分 类 号: [G451]

领  域: []


