作 者: ;
机构地区: 南方医科大学
出 处: 《艺术百家》 2013年第5期189-192,236共5页
摘 要: 20世纪50至60年代,在哲学分析思潮的影响下,英美分析美学开始与心理学决裂,其试图清除传统关学中的心理学方法和内容,并进而抛弃艺术的心理学维度。60年代以后,分析美学进入语境时期,致力于以外在的语境因素来描述、阐释和界定艺术。诚然,这种方法论为艺术的理解和界定提供了一种全新的理论视角,开辟了一片极有前景的新领域,但其切断心理学与美学的联系,放弃对人类心灵的探索,却令人质疑。相比之下,分析美学主流之外的另一谱系,由于其始终维系关学的心理学维度,反能提供更具建设性的启示。 In the 1950s and 1960s, under the influences of analytic philosophy, Anglo- American aesthetics broke from psychology, trying to sever aesthetics from psychology, and further, art from psychological contents. After the 1960s, Anglo- American analytic aesthetics entered the " Contextual Period," and tried to describe, interpret, and define art with contextual elements of artworks. While this methodological turn sheds new light on art, it is also prob- lematic in that it separated aesthetics from psychology, and restrained from inquiries into human feelings. In contrast, another branch of analytic aesthetics, as it maintains the psychological dimension of aesthetics, provides a more con- structive perspective.
关 键 词: 西方美学史 分析美学 艺术 美学 心理学 审美经验
分 类 号: [J05]
领 域: []