作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东石油化工学院
出 处: 《太平洋学报》 2013年第9期74-84,共11页
摘 要: 国家在勘探开发国际海底区域过程中应承担何种义务和责任是理论和实践中亟待解决的问题.国际海洋法法庭海底争端分庭对此问题的咨询意见围绕着“谨慎处理”这一核心义务展开.“谨慎处理”义务要求国家须在其法律体系内采取一切必要和适当的措施,其内容还可以从国家承担的直接义务中进一步揭示出来.违反“谨慎处理”和直接义务则要承担相应的国家责任.发展中国家和发达国家应平等地承担“谨慎处理”义务和直接义务及其责任,但发达国家应在能力建设上援助发展中国家. It is an urgent open question what state obligation and responsibility of exploration and exploita- tion is in International Seabed area. The Seabed Disputes Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea gave the advisory opinion as to this question centering on the obligation of "Due Diligence" which requires the state to adopt all necessary and appropriate measures. Furthermore, the direct obliga- tions of state shed light on "Due Diligence". The state shall incur liability if it is in breach of "Due Dili- gence" and the direct obligations. "Due Diligence" and the direct obligations and liability thereof are equi- tably applicable to developed and developing countries. However, developed countries shall assist develo- ping countries in capacity building.
关 键 词: 国际海底区域 勘探开发 “谨慎处理”义务 海底争端分庭
分 类 号: [D996.9]
领 域: []