作 者: ;
机构地区: 中共广东省委党校
出 处: 《南京工业大学学报:社会科学版》 2013年第3期5-11,共7页
摘 要: 地方政府合作是生态治理成败的关键,而以广东省为代表的某些地方政府已经具备较高的合作意愿.不妨以欧盟应对气候变化的法律与政策为鉴,通过立法进一步提升地方政府生态治理的合作能力.相关立法应当定位为促进型立法,先行尝试地方性立法,突破合作理念,拓展合作维度,并恰当运用鼓励措施与法律责任. The cooperation of local governments is the key to the success of governments, such as Guangdong Provincial Government already has a high ecological management. Some local willingness to cooperate. This paper cites the example of EU's legislative response to climate change and agrees with the role of local governments in their cooperation of ecological management. The paper also argues that relevant legislation should be positioned as a "promotion-oriented legislation", with regional legislation as early attempts, breaking through the concept of cooperation by expanding the dimension of cooperation, and using incentive measures and legal liability appropriately.
关 键 词: 生态文明 生态治理合作 促进型立法 地方政府 欧盟
分 类 号: [D67]
领 域: []