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出版社: 人民卫生出版社

出版日期: 2009.06

作  者: ;

机构地区: 南方医科大学

出  处: 《中国临床康复》 2006年第22期 33-35,共3页

摘  要: 目的:分析驻岛海军军人人格特征、应对方式及心理健康的关系.方法:于2003-07/08以南方某驻岛部队一个分队为观察群体,用单纯随机抽样的方法抽取男性军人107名作为调查对象.被试均自愿参加评估,采用艾森克个性问卷评定人格特征、简易应对方式量表评定应对方式、症状自评量表测定心理健康水平.艾森克个性问卷共88个条目,选取量表反映的内外向、神经质、精神质3个维度对人格特征加以分析.症状自评量表由90个问题组成,包含躯体化、强迫症状、人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖、偏执、精神病性9个因子,对每个问题采取5级评分(1~5级,1没有,2很轻,3中等,4偏重,5严重),根据总均分及各因子分的高低来评估心理健康水平.简易应对方式量表由20个条目组成,采用4级评分,0不采用、1偶尔采用、2有时采用和3经常,量表进一步分为积极应对方式和消极应对方式两个因子.主要进行驻岛海军军人人格特征、应对方式与心理健康的关系分析,症状自评量表总均分与个人人格特征、应对方式各因子的逐步回归分析,加入交互作用变量的分层逐步回归分析.结果:共发放问卷107份,其中有7份问卷漏填选项,视为不完整问卷,合格问卷100份,有效率93.5%.①神经质、精神质与症状自评量表各因子分及总均分呈显著性正相关,内外向与症状自评量表强迫、人际敏感、抑郁、恐怖、偏执、精神病性等因子分及总均分呈显著性负相关.②消极应对与症状自评量表各因子分及总均分呈显著性正相关;③多元逐步回归分析显示,影响心理健康的因素主要为神经质、积极应对、消极应对、神经质与消极应对的交互作用,标准回归系数分别是0.046、-0.167、-0.167、0.879.结论:驻岛海军军人的人格特征与应对方式对其心理健康状况有显著的影响作用. AIM: To study the relations of the personality characteristics, coping style and mental health status of naval personnel serving on an island. METHODS: Between July and August 2003, 107 male naval soldiers from a navy stationing on an island in south China, who all joined the evaluation voluntarily, were selected as the subjects with simple random sampling. Their personality characteristics were assessed with Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPQ, composed of 88 declarative sentences. The dimensions of neuroticism, extraversion and psychoticism from EPQ were selected to analyze). Their mental health status was assessed with symptom checklist (SCL-90, including 90 items and 9 factors of somatization, obsession-compulsion, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation and psychoticism, scored by 5 grades according to the severity, 1 as none, 2 as mild, 3 as moderate, 4 as a little severe, 5 as severe), and evaluated with the total mean score and scores of each factor. Their coping styles were assessed with simplified coping style questionnaire (SCSQ, consisted of 20 items and divided into 2 factors of positive coping style and negative coping style, scored by 3 grades according to their frequency, 0 as none, 1 as once a while, 2 as sometimes, 3 as often). The relationship between personality characteristics, coping style and mental health status of navy soldiers was analyzed. Analysis of multiple stepwise regression was carried out among the total mean score of SCL-90, personality characteristics and each factor of coping style. Then stratified stepwise regression analysis with the interactive variables being involved was also conducted. RESULTS: Totally 107 questionnaires were sent out, 7 were taken as incomplete questionnaires for some options were lost, and 100 complete questionnaires were analyzed, with the rate of eligible questionnaires was 93.5%. ① Neuroticism and psychoticism dimensions of EPQ were positively correlated with scores of all f

关 键 词: 人格 应对 心理健康

分 类 号: [R395]

领  域: []


