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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学

出  处: 《管理学报》 2014年第7期1038-1045,共8页

摘  要: 利用珠三角221位中高层管理者的样本数据,采用回归分析法研究了IT能力、二元式学习和突破式创新的关系。研究表明,IT能力对二元式学习有显著正向影响;IT能力对突破式创新有显著正向影响;二元式学习对突破式创新有显著正向影响;IT能力通过二元式学习部分中介作用于突破式创新。探索式因子分析表明,IT能力由流程导向IT能力、知识广度导向IT能力和知识深度导向IT能力3个维度构成。进一步的研究发现,IT能力对二元式学习的影响中知识广度导向IT能力贡献度最大。 This paper study the relationship among IT capability, ambidextrous learning and radi- cal innovation using the data from 221 senior managers in PRD of China. Regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses, and the results reveal that IT capability has significant positive impact on ambidextrous learning; IT capability has significant positive impact on radical innovation; ambidextrous learning has significant positive impact on radical innovation;IT capability had a partial mediating im- pact on radical innovation through ambidextrous learning. Exploratory factor analysis shows that IT capacity is consists of process-oriented IT capability, knowledge reach-oriented IT capability and knowledge richness- oriented IT capability, and further analysis find that for the impact of IT on the ambidextrous learning,the knowledge reach-oriented IT capability makes the biggest contribution.

关 键 词: IT能力 二元式学习 突破式创新 实物期权理论

分 类 号: [C93]

领  域: []


