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作  者: ;

机构地区: 佛山科学技术学院

出  处: 《中国文学研究》 2013年第1期32-35,共4页

摘  要: 汉魏以来雅声的寝废,情志的“淫荡”以及诗歌语言的鄙率,凡此构成陆机别构“雅正”新体的重要诗学背景。从陆机古乐府、古诗摹拟创作的实际情况来看,陆机于“雅正”向度的追求,其贡献和意义主要还是在诗法的营建而非政教的恢复和揄扬。具体地说,陆氏“雅正”一体于诗法的建设主要表现在:第一,就情志表现而言,其能将汉儒“止乎礼义”的伦理要求转化为诗学的理性规约,藉以检束“发乎情”的“淫荡”,从而形成诗歌“涵泳志气”的典正面貌。第二,就语言表现而言,陆机又能将乐府和古诗语言的俚率凡近加以雅化,形成“矜重”的语言特征。 Since the Han Dynasty and the Wei Dynasty, the elegant music declined, the emotion indulged and the poetic lan- guage was despised, which constituted an important poetic background for the creation of Lu Ji' s poems. Seeing from the real sit- uation of Lu Ji ' s ancient Yuefu poetry and the imitation of ancient poems ' creation, the contribution and meaning of Lu Ji ' s pur- suit to Yazheng lied in establishing poetic rules not in recovering and developing the combination of politics and religion. Specific- ally, Lu Ji' s new style on poetry mainly establishes the poetic rules in two sides : First, in terms of emotional expression, he put the ethical guidelines into the rational rules in poetry creating standard feature in poetry. Secondly, in terms of language perform- ance, he made the rough language in Yuefu and ancient poems become aentle formin~ the feature of exauisite lanauage.

关 键 词: 陆机 摹拟 雅正 诗法

分 类 号: [I207.21]

领  域: []


