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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

出  处: 《河北法学》 2011年第8期84-89,共6页

摘  要: 药品安全事故犯罪中不仅需要追究生产企业本身的刑事责任,更要追究相关监督管理部门的渎职犯罪。渎职犯罪本质是一种监督管理过失,而监督管理过失认定的根本前提就在于行为人对危害结果是否存在预见可能性。预见可能性,是指行为时预见危害结果发生的客观可能性。有无预见能力的标准,应当以“行为人所属领域的处于相同地位和相同情况的一般人的预见能力”为标准。 In drug safety crime, not only the enterprises must bear criminal responsibility, but the related inspector assumes misconduct responsibility. The essence of the malfeasance crimes is supervisory negligence. Whether has the possibility-foreseen on barm results is the basic premise of supervisory negligence. The possibility-foreseen is a kind of objective possibility on foreseeing harm results. The criterion of ability to foresight refers to the standards to ordinary people which is the same status and situation with ac, tor's field.

关 键 词: 过失犯罪 监督管理过失 预见可能性

分 类 号: [DF637]

领  域: []


