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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

出  处: 《城市观察》 2016年第1期147-154,共8页

摘  要: 改革开放30多年来,我国的休闲文化得到了巨大的发展,从休闲文化内部各要素看,主要表现为:休闲产业与休闲经济发展迅速,休闲物质基础渐趋厚实;休闲消费和休闲生活成为国民的重要生活方式,休闲成为一种社会建制;国民休闲意识与休闲满意度增强,休闲素质与休闲文明提高。从休闲文化总体特征上看,表现在三个方面:中西融合、与时俱进、形成“以人为本、全面发展”的当代休闲文化内涵与风格;多元并存与主流引导,形成“和而不同、和谐包容”的当代休闲文化格局;休闲文化整体质量不高,内部差异显著,发展措施有所偏差。 Since reform and opening up in the past 30 years, enormous achievement has been seen in China's leisure culture development. Firstly, leisure industry and its relevant economy have provided a solid foundation. Secondly, leisure consumption and leisure activities have become people's basic lifestyle and thus a social format. Thirdly, people's sense of leisure and their level of satisfaction have greatly enhanced, while the whole nation's leisure quality and civilization has significantly improved. The features of China's leisure culture includes: Chinese and Western leisure cultures combining together while keeping pace with the times, forming a modern style; harmonious because of its muhicuhural coexistence and mainstream guidance; room for quality improvement, significant difference between different areas or groups and inef- fective development measures.

关 键 词: 休闲文化 发展状况 表现特征 中国

分 类 号: [G12]

领  域: []


