作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东医科大学
出 处: 《辽宁师范大学学报:社会科学版》 2010年第5期 46-48,共3页
摘 要: 促进民众和谐心理是心理学学科为构建和谐社会所能作出的主要贡献之一。我国心理学界对心理和谐的研究主要集中于三个方面:探讨心理和谐的内涵与结构;开发心理和谐的测量工具;调查民众心理和谐状况及其影响因素。研究尚处于初级阶段,仍有很多问题需进一步探讨。 To improve people’s psychological harmony is one of the contributions that psychology can make to the construction of harmonious society.In China researches on psychological harmony are mainly centred on such three aspects as its connotation and structure,exploring measurements,and investigating people’s harmonious psychology and its influence factors.We are at the primary exploring stage and still have a lot of problems to solve.
分 类 号: [B84]
领 域: []