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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东医科大学

出  处: 《科技管理研究》 2015年第14期89-93,99共6页

摘  要: 作为当年全国最高学术研究机构,国立中央研究院的成立被视为国家性自主研究的发端,标志着中国有系统的科学研究事业的开始,同时说明了中国社会对源自西方近代科学的最终接纳。从历史与境主义观点看,在西学东渐的大背景下,职业科学家群体的出现、蔡元培的领衔、政治结盟、国家建设的需求、科学救国思潮以及民族精神等起到重要作用。这些因素的耦合为国立中央研究院的成立提供了契机,自此以后,中国的科学事业迈进了体制化进程。 As the nation's top academic institutions, the establishment of Academia Sinica is regarded as the originator of the National Autonomy Research, the beginning of China systematic scientific research, and the final acceptance of modem western science in the China society. This paper aims to explore the social background of time and space of the establish- ment of Academia Sinica. From the historical eontextualism point of view, in the background of Western learning, it plays an important role in the emergence of occupation, groups of scientists led by Cai Yuanpei, political alliances, demand of national construction, and the idea of saving the nation by science thought and national spirit. The combination of these fac- tors provides an opportunity for the establishment of Academia Sinica.

关 键 词: 中央研究院 蔡元培 职业科学家群体 西学东渐 科学救国思潮

分 类 号: [B029 N01]

领  域: [] []


