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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州中医药大学

出  处: 《心理科学》 2004年第5期 1146-1149,共4页

摘  要: 采用实时窗口阅读技术,通过操纵特征段落性质和屏蔽段落长度两个变量,探讨人物性格模型在语篇阅读中的建构和影响因素.在研究所用材料中,特征段落描述能反映主人公性格的典型行为或不能反映其性格的一般行为,使其与目标句分别形成冲突或无关关系,考察读者能否利用这些内隐式的行为描述建构人物的性格模型.同时,改变屏蔽段落长度,形成局部或整体联贯两种条件,考察不同联贯类型的影响作用.结果发现:在不论整体还是局部联贯条件下,读者均能利用内隐的行为描述建构人物性格模型,并能应用该模型预期人物的后续行为. Using the on line window display technique, the present study explored readers' construction of trait based model of character in discourse comprehension. The characteristic paragraphs of each story presented the protagonist's typical or ordinary behavior. The description of the characteristic paragraph is either consistent or irrelevant with the target action carried out by the protagonist later in the stories. Meanwhile, we varied the length of filler paragraphs to keep the characteristic paragraphs be either in global coherence or local coherence with the target sentences. The data suggests that participants were slowed down in their target sentences' reading in inconsistent condition regardless of the coherence. So we believe that in both local and global coherences readers can use indirect trait information to construct trait based a model of character on line and apply it in discourse comprehension.

关 键 词: 语篇阅读理解 人物性格模型 窗口技术 整体联贯 局部联贯 行为描述 情景模型

分 类 号: [H030]

领  域: []


