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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山职业技术学院

出  处: 《延边大学学报:社会科学版》 2013年第1期15-20,74共7页

摘  要: 学术界对中国特色社会主义道路即中国道路、中国模式、中国经验的研究,过于偏重本质上具有特殊性、偶然性的中国特色、中国经验部分,经常混用道路、模式、经验三组概念,这可能引起不必要的语义困惑和逻辑困境。为了更为深入、精确地推进中国道路的理论研究,澄清中国道路应有的内涵、功用与限度等问题,应尽量避免单独使用“中国经验”概念来标示中国道路,同时应该厘清中国道路的两重内涵:“显性之维”——“不可复制”的独特经验’;“隐性之维”——“可复制”的普遍历史规律。 Too much emphasis has been put on the parts of Chinese features and Chinese experience when theories of the road of socialism with Chinese features, namely Chinese road, Chinese model or Chinese ex- perience are researched on. As Chinese features and Chinese experience are unique and accidental in na- ture, the mixed use of the concepts of "road", "model" and "experience" may cause unnecessary semantic confusion and logic dilemma. Therefore, "Chinese experience" should not be applied only to mark the "Chinese road" so as to carry out the further study and clarify the connotations, the functions and the lim- its of Chinese road. Meanwhile, it is necessary to distinguish the dual connotations of Chinese road: "dominant dimension"--unique experience which "cannot be copied"; "recessive dimension" the universal laws of history which "can be copied".

关 键 词: 中国道路 独特经验 普遍历史规律 辨析

分 类 号: [D616]

领  域: []


