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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学旅游学院

出  处: 《旅游科学》 2006年第5期 48-53,共6页

摘  要: 本文运用定性研究的方法,对在中国广东东莞举办的两个不同主题定位的(即比较宽泛的及比较细化的)展览会的终端客户效益感知进行比较,试图探究展览会专业化主题定位的必要性。研究表明终端客户对主题细化的展览会的效益感知明显高于主题宽泛的展览会。因为主题细化的专业型展览会主题明确,有特定细分的参展商和专业观众。提升了终端客户相互的满意度。而主题宽泛的展览会缺乏明确的目标观众,也缺乏可供比较和信息交流的同类参展商,终端客户参展效益较低。 This paper did a case study of two typical trade shows at Dongguan City, Guangdong province, and applied the qualitative analysis approach to make a comparative analysis of the benefit perceptions of exhibitors and visitors with an attempt of exploring into the necessity of professional theme positioning of exhibitions. The results of the case study show that end-customers apparently have better benefit perceptions of exhibitions with specialized themes than that with broad ones. This can be explained that professional exhibitions with specialized themes tend to enable to enhance end-customers' satisfaction with their focused segments of exhibitors and visitors; while those with broader themes earn lower end-users benefit perceptions due to a lack of explicitly targeted visitors and congener exhibitors whose participation would always benefit the product comparison and information exchange functions of an event of this kind.

关 键 词: 展览会 主题定位 参展商 专业观众 效益感知

分 类 号: [F713.83]

领  域: []


