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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学旅游学院

出  处: 《旅游学刊》 2010年第4期 90-96,共7页

摘  要: 会议旅游是重要的旅游细分市场之一,协会会议占会议市场70%以上,对协会会议进行研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文以协会会议中的研讨会为研究对象,选取有一定代表性的中国某学术会议进行实证研究,利用主成分分析和结构方程的分析方法,对学术会议参会者的动机及其参会决策过程进行了研究。获得如下发现:第一,中国学术会议参会者动机包括6大因子,显示出"学术—关系"的二元特征。第二,会后行为是参会动机和满意度二者影响之和。满意度作为中介变量对会后行为起着重要作用,参会动机对会后行为的影响起次要作用。第三,在上述发现的基础上对已有的参会决策模型进行了修正。 Conference tourism is one of the important tourism segment markets and association conferences account for over 70 percent of conference market,which is of great theoretical and practical significance to the study of association conferences.The paper,with symposia as an object of study,makes an empirical study of attendants' motivation and the process of attendance decision-making by selecting a representative symposium and using principle component analysis and structural equation method(SEM).The following findings are obtained:1.The structure of attendants' motivation of Chinese symposia includes six factors,with dual-dimensional character of "academic-relation".2.Attendants'post-conference behavior is the result of the impact of motivation and satisfaction.Satisfaction as a medium variable plays an important role in postconference behavior.Attendance motivation plays a subordinate role in the impact of post-conference behavior.3.Based on these findings,the attendance decision-making model has been modified.

关 键 词: 会议 参会动机 满意度 会后行为 结构方程

分 类 号: [F59]

领  域: []


