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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学旅游学院

出  处: 《热带地理》 2010年第5期 558-563,569,共7页

摘  要: 针对亚运会举办前游客对广州旅游形象的感知进行研究,619份问卷样本分析显示:①举办城市的本底形象是事件提升旅游形象的关键要素和前提,事件活动将对城市旅游形象产生叠加效应;游客对事件的消极影响存有比较理性的认知;大型事件是目的地激活剂,游客推荐及重游意愿比较强烈。②依据感知态度,游客可聚类为理性拥护者、悲观主义者和绝对支持者。③游客对广州亚运会的了解呈明显的距离衰减规律;随着游客在广州停留时间的增加,其对亚运会的了解程度依次提高;广州在省外游客感知中形象鲜明,强吸引力强,但其对广州的友善和安全感知度低;境外游客对广州形象感知模糊,对亚运会支持和拥护程度相对低。 The tourists’ perception of Guangzhou tourism image before the Asian Games to be held in November2010 is studied in this paper.The analysis on 619 questionnaires shows that:(1) The background image of the hostcity is the key element and premise for the event to enhance the tourism image.The event will producesuperimposed effects on the city tourism image.Tourists’ negative effects on the event are rationally cognized.Large-scale event is often an activator for tourist destination,and the will of the tourists to recommend and re-visitthe city is relatively strong;(2) According to the perception,tourists can be categorized into three types: rationaladvocate,pessimist,and absolute supporter;(3) Tourists’ understanding of the Guangzhou Asian Games shows aclear distance-decay law.With the time when tourists stay in Guangzhou prolonged,their understanding about theAsian Games will be enhanced.For the tourists from other provinces,the image of Guangzhou is very brilliantand full of attraction.However,their perception degree of Guangzhou’s hospitality and safety is low.And for theoversea tourists,the perception of Guangzhou’s image is vague,thus their support and advocate level is relatively low.

关 键 词: 亚运会 广州 旅游形象 游客感知

分 类 号: [F590.7]

领  域: []


