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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《旅游学刊》 2014年第12期75-82,共8页

摘  要: 行业协会在酒店业发展进程中发挥越来越大的作用,但在国内现行条件下,行业协会发展面临多重困难。文章以广州地区酒店行业协会为案例,采用实地调查和深度访谈的方法,讨论行业协会的运行机制及其变迁。研究认为,第一,"政会不分"是目前行业协会管理的主要问题,政府应创新行业协会管理机制,加快"政会分开"的进程,推进部分行业职能向协会转移;第二,酒店行业协会应大胆创新,依据地区、行业发展环境动态调整组织架构,丰富协会职能发挥,以此达到激活协会运行机制的目标。基于此,酒店行业协会可以更好地为会员酒店服务,提升行业专业化管理水平。 Associations are playing an increasingly important role in the development of the hotel industry. They can maintain market fairness, save transaction costs, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of market players. With the development of China's market economy, the government is also active in encouraging and nurturing social associations; in fact, some of the functions of government are beginning to be transferred to such associations. However, in existing domestic conditions there are many difficulties facing the development of hotel associations. This paper uses the Guangzhou Hotels Association as a case to study such associations' operational mechanisms and their changes over time.The aim is to identify the root causes of problems in the development of hotel associations, and to propose strategies to solve such problems. The Guangzhou Hotels Association was established on May 6 1988, with 42 members covering the whole area of Guangzhou. Although currently only 10% of hotels in Guangzhou are members of the Guangzhou Hotels Association, the association has a significant influence on the tourism industry due to the scale of its assets, total number of rooms, and income. Through theoretical analysis and empirical research this paper outlines the definition, nature and functions of hotel associations, and discusses the implementation of sector management and industry self-regulation from the perspective of new institutional economics. Methods used in this study included field work in the hotels, the collection of relevant papers on the basic concepts of association,and an analysis of the contents of the Guangzhou Hotels Association's magazines, conference materials, etc. From March to April 2011, fieldwork was conducted in the secretariat of the association at which the daily operations of the association were observed and materials relating to the association's work were collected. Subsequently, two employees of the association and twenty senior executives of member hotels were interviewed to de

关 键 词: 酒店 行业协会 组织架构 运行机制 变迁

分 类 号: [F59]

领  域: []


