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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学旅游学院

出  处: 《经济地理》 2009年第6期1029-1035,共7页

摘  要: 关于旅游产业集群的形成机制与演变规律的研究在目前国内外旅游产业集群研究中较为薄弱。选择世界自然遗产地——武陵源作为案例地,通过对历年旅游企业的动态变化、旅游发展的回顾分析,深入研究武陵源旅游产业集群形成和演变规律及内在机制,指出武陵源旅游产业集群的形成表现出很强的路径依赖的特征。最后总结了集群各发展阶段的特征和分析了今后的发展可能,认为制订基于集群的政策是武陵源旅游目的地下一步发展的关键。 The study attempts to understand the dynamics of tourism clusters, a less studied subject, by carrying out a case study of Wulingyuan World Heritage tourism destination. By analyzing the dynamics of the tourism enterprises in the tourism destination and in depth interview and by applying the system analytical methodology, the patterns of the tourism clusters are explored and the underlying structures are identified. It has found out that the tourism cluster in Wulingyuan can be divided into three stages. By applying system analysis methodology and complexity theory, the study also identifies major positive feedbacks driving the growth and development of the tourism cluster. The infrastructure investment driven growth strategy dominated by the local government has obtained Synergies from the market driven development strength to lead a path dependence development pattern of tourism cluster in Wulingyuan world heritage site. Local government should formulate a cluster based policy framework to further facilitate the cooperation and innovation diffusion which determines the competitiveness of the tourism destination.

关 键 词: 旅游产业集群 集群 演变 武陵源

分 类 号: [F062.9 F592.7]

领  域: [] []


