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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学旅游学院

出  处: 《旅游学刊》 2014年第11期45-51,共7页

摘  要: 为回应学术界关于旅游研究范式转型中提出的旅游研究应更关注的公平与权利、道德与责任问题,根据遗产旅游的现实发展需要,研究以国际宪章与法规关于遗产责任的表述为出发点,根据遗产与遗产旅游的本质属性特征,借鉴企业社会责任和负责任旅游的概念界定方式,提出"遗产责任"的学术概念,并根据遗产与遗产旅游的内涵对遗产责任的特征进行了讨论。在此基础上,根据遗产旅游研究的核心问题提出了遗产责任研究的"什么是遗产责任""谁的遗产责任""不同的遗产责任行动对遗产价值再现和遗产旅游可持续发展产生什么影响"3大核心研究议题。 In response to a tourism research paradigm shift in discussion about morality and responsibility, the paper puts forward the concept"heritage responsibility"to develop a framework for heritage tourism research. From the legal perspective, all ICOMOS, UNESCO, ICCROM, UNWTO world heritage related chapters or documents reiterate the role of responsibility in heritage conservation, and the content of responsibility varies with time. From the practice perspective, current tourism development and heritage conservation conflicts raise public awareness of heritage responsibility. From the theoretical perspective, empowerment research without public awareness of responsibility limits the theoretical contribution. Based on Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Tourism research, the paper argues that heritage responsibility is a concept that can be used to describe the social responsibility of individuals or organizations and includes the legal, economic,moral and philanthropic responsibility in the process of identifying, interpreting and representing heritage. According to the connotation of heritage and heritage tourism, heritage responsibility is both varied and complex. Considering the core issues of heritage tourism research such as "whose heritage?","interpret for whom?"and"who represents heritage?", the author raises the core research issues for heritage responsibility. Who should be responsible for heritage, and what kind of responsibility should they carry? What is the understanding of heritage tourism stakeholders about heritage responsibility and their related behavior?"What is heritage responsibility?"is the principal research question. Heritage tourism involves various stakeholders whose benefits and values related to heritage are different, and these are reflected in diverse senses of heritage responsibility. Individual attitudes to"what is heritage responsibility?"reflect value choice and power position. In this process,the factors that can influence the percep

关 键 词: 遗产旅游 遗产责任 概念与特征 研究议题

分 类 号: [F59]

领  域: []


