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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学旅游学院

出  处: 《旅游论坛》 2017年第1期1-9,共9页

摘  要: 遗产的本质是权力话语,权力决定了遗产的选择与生产、解释与建构,一国政府对遗产概念与内涵的理解直接影响遗产的保护与利用。文章通过对1960-2015年期间我国遗产的相关政府文件进行话语分析表明:(1)中央政府理解的遗产最基本的特征是“历史”“过去”,自然遗产具有全体性和自然性,而物质文化遗产是物质的、静止的,非物质文化遗产具有非物质性、传承性、地域性、群体性、活态性、创造性;(2)中央政府注重的是遗产的非经济价值——教育功能、政治功能;(3)中央政府对遗产的态度以保护为主,对遗产利用的相关话语缺失。我国政府对遗产概念与功能的这种理解,一方面忽略了遗产概念不断发展的事实,另一方面也忽略了遗产的利用功能与经济价值,导致遗产保护的中央政策法规与地方的现实诉求矛盾冲突。当务之急是应该建立遗产利用的话语体系,规范遗产利用的方法与规则,平衡保护与利用的矛盾。 The essence of heritage is the power discourse, and the power determines the selection, production, interpretation and construction of the heritage, so the government's understanding of the concept and connotation of heritage can directly affect the protection and utilization of heritage. According to the discourse analysis of Chinese government documents about heritage from 1960 to 2015, this study explores the connotative features and values of heritage from the perspective of the central government, and explains the power and ideology hidden in the government discourse. The results show that: (1) The basic features of heritage are "history" and "the past" which were understood by the government, and the natural heritages are universal and natural, tangible cultural heritages are material, static, and intangible cultural heritages have immateriality, inheritance, locality, colonial, living state and creativity; (2) The government focuses on the noneconomic value of heritage; including the educational function and political function; (3) The attitude of the government toward heritage tends to the protection and lacks attention to the utilization of heritages, and under the current development trends and constraints of national institutional, some local governments abused the heritage in order to pursuit economic interests which caused irreversible damage of heritages. As a result, it needs improving the legislation and constructing the government discourse of utilization of heritages.

关 键 词: 遗产 遗产旅游 保护与利用 话语分析

分 类 号: [F590.3]

领  域: []


