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文献详细Journal detailed


作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《图书情报知识》 2011年第1期36-42,共7页

摘  要: 通过调查分析美国档案与文献保护专业排名前三位的德州大学、密歇根大学和匹兹堡大学的文献保护与修复通论课程,介绍其授课内容、授课方式和课程考核方法,总结三所大学文献保护与修复通论课程的共性是:课程内容的设置贯彻"预防性保护重于补救性保护"的理念;文献保护需求评估、灾难预案、文献保护管理是课程内容的重点;综合运用课堂讲授、课堂讨论、专家讲座、课程参观和课程实践等多种授课方式;课程最终成绩的考核由多部分内容组成。借鉴美国高校文献保护与修复通论课程教学设计的经验,我国高校文献保护与修复通论课程的改革应从调整教学内容、丰富教材体系、改革授课方式、优化考核制度四方面着手。 Through investigation and analysis of the preservation conservation general courses provided by the University of Texas at Austin School of Information which ranks No.1,the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor School of Information which ranks No.2 and the University of Pittsburgh School of Information Science which ranks No.3 in archives and preservation specialties in USA,the paper introduces the content,format and grading of these courses,and summarizes the commonness including:(1)the idea of the courses is that prevention activities have priority over renewal activities;(2)the priorities of the courses are preservation needs assessments,disaster planning and management of preservation programs;(3)each class will typically consist of an introductory lecture,student-led discussions of the assigned readings with occasional related in-class exercises,expert lecture and some practical experiences;(4)the examining forms are very diversified.At the same time,it also discusses the reform of preservation conservation general courses provided by Chinese Universities.

关 键 词: 文献保护 文献修复 通论课程 教学设计

分 类 号: [G250]

领  域: []


