作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学
出 处: 《大学图书馆学报》 2010年第2期 109-114,共6页
摘 要: 考察了岭南大学图书馆从建馆马丁堂,迁馆格兰堂,又重回马丁堂的历史经过,论述了筹建新馆舍的背景。在阐述新馆建筑计划及筹款方法的基础上,从时代背景、学校性质和地理位置三个方面分析筹建新馆失败的原因,最后总结中国近代教会大学图书馆建馆的一般规律。 This article reviews the vicissitude of the library architecture at Lingnan University based on historical research,in order to reflect the development history of Lingnan University Library and summarize the general trends of building library at missionary university in modern China. The article introduces the process of building library at the Martin Hall, removing to the Grant Hall, and then going back the Martin Hall and then discusses the background of planning and preparing the new library building. In base on ex- patiating the building plan and the fundraising approach, it analyzes the failing reasons of building new li- brary from three aspects including the background, university attribute and the location.
分 类 号: [G258.6]
领 域: []