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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《北京联合大学学报:人文社会科学版》 2017年第2期41-47,共7页

摘  要: 基于访谈法和问卷调查及探索性因子分析,康养旅游者最关注目的地的气温、空气、水和植被等自然条件,同时对康养氛围、熟悉感等人文条件和社会交际需求较强,最后才是医疗、休闲、娱乐、运动等设施需求。进一步理论探讨表明,康养旅游需求在马斯洛层次需求理论中处于较高层级,康养旅游者倾向于在陌生的康养地寻找熟悉感,在康养及其社交活动中寻找群体归属及自我实现的成就感。因此,康养旅游特色小镇建设,首先应选址于先天自然条件适宜康养之地,再结合自然条件引入中医特色医疗和康体设施建设,最重要的则是围绕客源市场的民风习俗,培育认同康养的文化氛围和社交活动,让康养旅游者能够在特色小镇找到认同和归属,在康养过程中有实现自我的成就感。 According to interviewing, questionnaire method and exploratory factor analysis, health and well-being tourists value natural conditions the most, such as temperature, air, water and vegetation of the destination. Meanwhile they request for humanity conditions ( including health and well-being atmosphere and familiarity) , needs of social communication, and finally well-being and medical facilities. This suggests that the need of health and well-being tourism is on the higher level according to the Maslow' s hierarchy of needs, and that health and well-being tourists are more likely to search familiarity feeling in an unfamiliar natural environment which is suitable for well-being, and pursue sense of belonging and achievability of self-realization through health and social activities. Therefore, to construct special town with health and well-being tourism, we should pay attention to innate natural condition which is suitable for health and well-being, and make use of this to build certain medical and well-being facilities. In addition, what is more important to do is to create the culture of well-being and social atmosphere around folk-custom of customer market and to make sure health and well-being tourists will gain identification, sense of belonging and achievability being activities. of self-realization after participating in health and well-

关 键 词: 康养 旅游 特色小镇 需求

分 类 号: [F592.3]

领  域: []


