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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《复旦学报:社会科学版》 2015年第5期85-93,共9页

摘  要: 目前学界对于"兴"的理解,多遵从宋代朱熹以来的意见,以为"兴"与"比"没有太大关系。但从汉至唐,治《诗》者多将"兴"与"比"相联系,甚至等同看待。本文立足于"兴诗"概念的起源,以历代注疏为基础,梳理了先秦以来《诗经》学者的相关论述,又以毛传、朱注等历代重要注本为研究对象,结合分析《诗经》文句及注文释义的歧异,论证了《诗经》之"兴"实与"比"有极大的关联。文章认为,《诗经》之"兴"皆兼有比义,"兴"是一种兼具起兴功能,而又带有"比"义的譬喻之法。它与"比"的不同,除了兼作起兴外,主要是"兴"之比,更为深隐,更重意义的关联。"兴皆兼比"是"兴诗"的本来面目。文章还对日本古今学者的相关论述作了介绍与分析。 Nowadays,most scholars' attitude to "Xing"defers to the opinion of Zhu Xi,which considers that there is no specific relationship between Xing and Bi. However,scholars in the Han-Tang period always linked Xing to Bi,sometimes they even considered Xing the same as Bi. This paper is based on the origin of the concept of"Xing poems"to arrange the related scholars' discussion since the pre-Qin period. Additionally,the differences among the annotations of The Book of Songs are analyzed according to the research finding for Mao Shi,Shi Ji Zhuan Zhu Zhu and other important literatures,and resultantly the positive relevance of "Xing"and "Bi"is proved. This paper considers that the function of the Xing in The Book of Songs contains the function of Bi; actually Xing is a kind of metaphor that can start association and meanwhile draw an analogy. Besides it can start association,Xing is different from Bi as the analogy of it is more deep and hidden,and pays more attention to the relevance of meanings. "All Xing contain Bi"is the true features of "Xing poems". This paper also introduces and analyzes the discussion by the ancient and modern scholars of Japan.

关 键 词: 诗经 兴皆兼比

分 类 号: [I207.22]

领  域: []


