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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学图书馆

出  处: 《图书情报工作》 2006年第1期10-13,共4页

摘  要: 指出图书馆的业务重组和书商服务的提升为图书馆实行采访业务外包创造了条件;按照外包的程度,将采访业务外包划分为部分外包和完全外包两种模式;阐明采访业务外包中存在图书馆失控、历史断层和书商配套服务欠缺等问题;针对问题,提出更新理念、多方合作和加强沟通等建议。 This paper first points out that reengineering of the library working flow and book dealers' improved service will provide preconditions for the outsourcing of library acquisition, In this paper, the outsourcing of library acquisition is devided into two types from their scopes. Besides, the paper also mentions the three problems for outsourcing. Aiming at solving the problems, some reasonable suggestions are also made in this paper.

关 键 词: 图书馆 书商 业务重组 采访业务外包 配套服务

分 类 号: [G253 G251.5]

领  域: [] []


