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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学资讯管理学院

出  处: 《大学图书馆学报》 2012年第6期117-125,共9页

摘  要: 在简单回顾罗马帝国公共浴场的出现和发展、浴场图书馆之前罗马城内公共图书馆大致情形的基础上,从整体情况、图拉真浴场和卡拉卡拉浴场图书馆的建筑风格和空间设计、未有遗迹证明的皇家公共浴场图书馆以及图书馆管理五个方面梳理和分析了历史文献及考古遗迹中的皇家公共浴场图书馆。结合浴场建筑风格的转变,罗马皇帝将大型建筑工程用作超越前任、赚取政治资本的工具的惯例,以及能够获得的浴场平面图或模型图,推测图拉真浴场是皇家公共浴场有无图书馆设施的分界点。进而从历史意义的角度探讨了皇家公共浴场图书馆扩展至全体公民的公共性,及其包括查阅书籍、发布作品、作为市民公共空间等的多样的功能定位。 Adopting the method of history research, based on the brief review of the emergence and de- velopment of the public baths in Rome Empire and the status of the public libraries in City Rome before 2nd century, the paper analyses the public libraries in the thermaes appeared in the literatures and/or archaeologies, tackling with the general circumstance, the type of architecture and space design of the probative public libraries in the Thermaes Traiani and Caracallae, the disprobative ones, and the library management. From the facts of the changes of the thermaes architecture, the tradition that the Roman Emperors making use of the large-scale public buildings as the tools of exceeding his predecessors and gaining his political capital, and the plans and models available, the paper deduces a conclusion that the Thermaes Traiani is the dividing line of whether there are libraries in a thermae. Then it goes on to discuss the enlarging public character of accessible to all citizens and diversiform functions including referring, reading, publishing and acting as a public space.

关 键 词: 图书馆史 罗马帝国 皇家公共浴场 公共图书馆

分 类 号: [G258.2]

领  域: []


