作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学资讯管理学院
出 处: 《大学图书馆学报》 2017年第2期99-108,共10页
摘 要: 对西文古籍的收藏、整理及保护等情况进行调查,是保护西文古籍的第一步。在分析国内外1985至2014年间31个文献保护与修复相关调查的范围、内容及各级指标的基础上,拟定调查指标并依之设计调查问卷,从可能藏有西文古籍的中国大陆及港澳地区四种类型71家图书馆中选择40家发放问卷进行调查。根据15份有效问卷,论文分析了古籍及善本的界定、收藏与整理、管理、保护与修复及需求等西文古籍保护现状,指出目前相关工作仍处于起步阶段,西文馆藏家底不清,更进一步的保护和修复基本未曾展开;根据当前情况以及需求,建议为推动西文古籍保护事业,首先应从古籍普查和通过高等教育培养人才这两项工作开始。 Based on the analysis of 31 domestic and international papers on preservation and conservation surveys from 1985 to 2014 especially on the scope, contents and indicators, the paper designed indicators at different levels and survey questionnaire accordingly. It therewith issued the survey to selected 40 institutions of four types libraries in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. According to the feedback of 15 valid questionnaires, the paper analysed the current situation of western rare books preservation, on aspects of definition of the rare books, collection and collation, management, preservation and conservation. It points out that the related work is still in its infancy; the quantity and quality of western rare books are still unclear; and further preservation and conservation is still not in progressing. It suggested taking general survey on western rare book collections and developing personnel training program in higher education.
关 键 词: 西文古籍 古籍保护 古籍修复 文献保护与修复 图书馆
分 类 号: [G253.6]
领 域: []