作 者: ;
机构地区: 文学院
出 处: 《方言》 2006年第4期309-315,共7页
摘 要: 江西乐安县万崇话有高平和高升两种变调,依一定条件分布。变调尚未融人单字调系统。变调主要见于名词,在动词、形容词、数量词、副词等词类中亦有所见,并用以表示与小称相关的附加语义。本文还试图探讨变调和小称词尾“[口得]”的关系。 Two kinds of tone sandhi, high-lever and high-rising in a certain distiribution not yet be merged into homo-syllabic tonal system, represents diminutives of Wancong dialect in Le' an county in Jiangxi province. The tone sandhi main lies in nouns, also verbs, adjectives, numeral and adverbs. The paper tries to probe the relationship between the tone sandhi and diminutives suffix [口得]
关 键 词: 万崇话 小称变调 高平变调 高升变调 “[口得]”尾
分 类 号: [H116.4]
领 域: []