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作  者: ;

机构地区: 韩山师范学院

出  处: 《河南大学学报:社会科学版》 2008年第5期 28-34,共7页

摘  要: 波普尔政治哲学的方法论个人主义认为,社会制度和社会进程必须依照个人及其关系和行为的无意识结果来阐释。他企图以这种方法论去取代、吞噬马克思社会理论的方法论整体主义。但是,个人主义方法作为一种意识形态的方法论论证模式,在与马克思的唯物史观对抗中已经出现逻辑上的混乱,因而使自身置于不能自拔的困境之中。波普尔方法论个人主义陷入困境的全部症结在于其原子式个人主义的哲学根基,原子式个人主义暴露了沉沦于现代形而上学建制的自由主义理念的弊病和根本缺陷。马克思对现代形而上学的批判,宣告了波普尔政治哲学方法论的终结。 In his methodology of political philosophy, Popper holds that the institution and the course of our society should be expounded by the results of individuality and his unconscious behavior. He tries to abandon the methodological holism in Marx "s social theory. However, as a logical form of ideology, Popper's methodological individualism has found itself confusion in logic and fallen into predicament while it.tries to oppose to Marx's historical materialism. All the defects in Popper's methodology are based on its philosophical root of atomistic individualism, which has exposed all faults and fallacy of liberalism idea that is based on modern metaphysics. Marx had finished his critique on modern metaphysics, which declares Popper's methodological individualism would be ended.

关 键 词: 波普尔 政治哲学 方法论个人主义 现代形而上学 困境

分 类 号: [B089]

领  域: []


