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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《现代远程教育研究》 2014年第1期42-48,共7页

摘  要: 学习与绩效技术中心(C4LPT)是由英国社会性学习与协作领域的资深专家简·哈特创办,专注于新技术在学习中的应用效果研究。该中心自2007年发起了学习工具排名统计,在全球范围内对2000多种学习工具的效用进行前100位动态排名,这可以看做是学习工具最新发展的“风向标”。无论是传统的学习工具,还是不断涌现的满足各种个性化需求的应用工具,通常都是功能鲜明,操作规范简捷,以所见即所得的方式支持个人知识建构和社会性协作建构。总体而言,学习工具注重支持社会性学习和群体学习,更关注对个体学习的需要和过程的支持;注重网络中个人学习过程的知识管理及社会性知识共享;学习工具的功能更精、更专。对TOP100学习工具类型分布、排名变化和新入选工具的分析,有利于让国内教育界的实践者和研究者深入了解当前国际上广泛应用、各有专长、效用认同度高的学习工具,拓展对学习工具的理解,促进对新技术的教与学应用。 Center for Learning and Performance Technologies was established by Jane Hart, a senior British expert in the field of social learning and cooperation. It focuses on the research of new technology used in the process of learning. The Center has carried out a ranking of learning tools since 2007 which gives a dynamic rank of TOP100 tools based on the function and application performance of more than 2000 learning tools worldwide. This ranking could be seen as the wind vane of the utility and development of learning tools. Both traditional learning tools and emerging application tools used for meeting different personal learning needs have the characteristics of clear function, simple operation and support individual and social knowledge building by means of "what you see is what you get". Generally speaking, learning tools lay great emphasis on supporting social learning and group learning, especially on the requirement and process of individual learning, as well as on the online knowledge management and sharing during the individual learning process. The analysis of classification, ranking change and introduction of new tools of TOP 100 could give Chinese users and researchers in the education field a chance to deeply understand the widely used and highly recognized learning tools with specified functions, so that they can deepen their understanding of learning tools and further apply them to teaching and learning.

关 键 词: TOP 100 学习工具 排名分析 应用效果 发展趋势

分 类 号: [G434]

领  域: []


