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On the Multidimensionality of Stylistic Analysis from the Perspective of Jakobson's Communicative Theory

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学外国语学院

出  处: 《现代外语》 2003年第3期259-265,共7页

摘  要: 本文首先简要回顾了Jakobson的语言交际理论,透视并剖析了西方文体分析中存在的种种片面性;在此基础上从Jakobson交际理论中所蕴涵的多维思想出发,探讨了文体分析中的多维性,并提出了一种包括现实与虚拟双重语境、作者的编码和读者的解码、语码的选择与信息的传递、发话者和受话者的接触等诸多动态因素在内的文体分析多维模式,希望对文体学的健康发展有一定的启示。 As the first scholar to combine the study of poetic language with the vigorous analyzing pattern of linguistics, Jakobson(1960) put forward a relatively comprehensive communicative theory in speech events more than half a century ago. This theory was widely deemed as covering all the speech acts at that time. Now we can see clearly that it is founded upon the cause - effect principle of so-ciolinguistics in that it advocates taking the specific pragmatic context into consideration. During the passing decades, many detailed researches in stylistics have been made with fruitful results. At the same time different stylistic schools have come into being mainly through interdisciplinary studies. However, most groups exclude the theories of others and few of them focus on a comprehensive study of the subject. By reviewing the overall development of stylistics, we can easily figure out various kinds of one - sidedness just from the alternation of author determinism, textual-ism, reader response theory and contextualism, each of which puts too much stress on one single relevant factor of stylistic analysis. This is the problem that every researcher of language and literature should take into careful consideration. As an attempt to improve the situation mentioned above, this paper begins with a brief review of Jakobson' s communicative theory and a simple discussion of the multidimensional thought implied. Then it manages to make an anatomizing analysis of various kinds of one-sidedness existing in stylistics. Based upon this and from the implication of Jakobson' s theory, it explores the mul-tidimensionality in stylistic analysis, and further puts forward a multidimensional model for it. This model includes various dynamic factors: the double contexts made up of reality and mock reality, writer's encoding and reader's decoding processes, code choosing and message transmission, the contact between addresser and addressee, etc. It is hoped that this would be of some helpful hints for the healthy develop

关 键 词: 语言交际理论 文体分析 片面性 多维性

领  域: []


作者 武建国
作者 武建国
作者 刘高勇
作者 牛巧红
作者 王雪贞


机构 华南理工大学外国语学院
机构 中山大学外国语学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 韶关学院外语学院
