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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

出  处: 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2015年第5期18-24,共7页

摘  要: 语用学领域的普遍主义研究范式在面对语言的文化特殊性时,因其漠视文化差异、主张普世原则、从外部视角假定一些普遍参量并不加区别地强加于语言现实,显得无能为力,其观点一直受到质疑。民族志语用学就是其挑战者之一,它提出了不同的语用研究观:要从文化内部而不是外部视角去审视言语实践并对它进行文化塑形;要以不同文化场景的言语事件为关注对象,探讨其话语方式有何独特性,解释为什么这样说、这样说意味着什么等;要以田野调查的语言事实为依据;在解释话语意义过程中,更要考虑言语主体的能动性,意图性不是关键要素;语用研究既要有人类学描述也要有语法描述。 The universalist paradigm proposed by traditional pragmatics has been challenged by those scholars who observe language from a culture-internal perspective because of its blindness to cultural differences and its imposition of some universal parameters from a culture-external perspective upon all linguistic reality. One of the challengers is Ethnopragmatics,which proposes the following different viewpoints of pragmatics: A culture-internal rather than a culture-external perspective should be adopted in examining speech practice and so as to arrive at cultural shaping of them. The research object should be the speech events in different cultural locations for the purpose of exploring the peculiarities behind the special ways of expressions,the reasons for speaking in these special ways,and what these special expressions mean to those speakers. The research should be based on linguistic evidence obtained from field work. Intentionality is not a key factor in the explanation of speech meaning,instead,we should take into account not only intentionality but,more importantly,agency of the speech agent. A pragmatic study of language should include both anthropological and grammatical description.

关 键 词: 民族志语用学 语用观 普遍主义研究范式

分 类 号: [H030]

领  域: []


