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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学法学院

出  处: 《江苏行政学院学报》 2016年第3期122-129,共8页

摘  要: 行政收缴是行政主体接收相对人缴纳的金钱、工具及其他物品的行政行为。我国现行立法规定的收缴包括收缴"罚款"、收缴"违禁品、违法物品、用于违法行为的工具或物品"和收缴"证照"三类。收缴既不是一种新型的行政行为,也不属于行政强制。其中收缴罚款属于"执行性的行政事实行为";收缴违禁品、违法物品、用于违法行为的工具或物品属于行政"没收";收缴证照属于"暂扣、吊销许可证或执照"类行政处罚。处罚型行政收缴应遵守处罚法定原则和《行政处罚法》的相关规定;事实型行政收缴应受法律保留和正当程序原则的约束。 Administrative seizure refers to the administrative action taken by administrative bodies to take over money,tools and other items belonging to parties involved. China’s current legislation governing collection includes three categories: "fines",the seizure of"contraband,illegal goods,tools or other items used for illegal activities",and seizure of"licenses". Administrative seizure is neither a new administrative act,nor subject to administrative coercion. The collection of fines falls into the category of"execution of administrative factual behavior"; confiscating contraband,illegal goods,and tools or other items used for illegal activities falls into the category of administrative"confiscation"; the seizure of licenses falls into the category of administrative penalties of"suspension or revocation of a permit or license". Punitive administrative seizure shall comply with the legal principles of penalty and relevant provisions of the Administrative Punishment Law;factual administrative seizure shall be subject to restriction of legal preservation and the principles of due process.

关 键 词: 行政收缴 行政处罚 行政事实行为

分 类 号: [D912.1]

领  域: []


