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作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《当代亚太》 2011年第3期96-112,共17页

摘  要: 相对于以往历届美国政府的南海政策,奥巴马政府对南海地区国家利益和国际利益的政策表述体现了更多将南海问题推向地区化和国际化的特征。出于亚太战略和“重返”东南亚的需要,奥巴马政府在南海问题上更倾向于表达与东南亚各国相近的共同利益,支持东南亚各南海权益声索国,反对中国的南海权益主张,并与东南亚国家共同遏制中国日益上升的地区影响力。然而,作为调整亚太战略的一种手段,奥巴马政府的南海政策不会走向因过度干预而损及亚太利益的极端。2011年,印度尼西亚担任东盟轮值主席国,鉴于不同于越南的南海利益诉求,印尼应当不会比越南更热衷于推动南海问题的继续升温。受地区主要国家政策温和化的影响,奥巴马政府的南海政策及其对地区形势的影响将呈现相对减弱的态势。 In comparison with the policies of previous US administrations towards the South China Seas, the policy of the Obama Administration has pushed towards the regionalization and internationalization of the South China Seas issue. Based on the needs of its Asia-Pacific Strategy and its "return" to Southeast Asia, the Obama Administration has identified interests that draw close to forming mutual interests with the states of Southeast Asia. It has also supported the claims of Southeast Asian countries to sovereignty over the South China Seas in opposition to China's claims of its rights and interests. Together the US and Southeast Asian states have expressed the view that they must collectively check China's rising regional influence. While this may be, the US is more interested in using the South China Seas issue as a means of adjusting its strategy towards the Asia-Pacific region, and it will not go to the extreme of harming its interests in the region by interfering too deeply in the South China Seas. In 2011, Indonesia became the rotating Chair of ASEAN. As its own interests vis-a-vis the South China Seas differ from those of Vietnam, it is unlikely that Indonesia will be more outspoken than Vietnam on the South China Seas. It is likely that the Obama Administration's policy towards the South China Seas and this policy's impacts on the region will be conditioned and lessened by the moderate policies of the key states in the region.

关 键 词: 奥巴马政府 南海政策 美国亚太战略

分 类 号: [D371]

领  域: []


