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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东金融学院

出  处: 《商业经济与管理》 2012年第3期 65-74,共10页

摘  要: 文章通过构建由技术(T)、组织(O)、和环境(E)组成的TOE框架,并研究了该框架下R&D投资行为及其价值创造的具体机制。以上市公司为例,文章发现TOE框架为解释企业R&D投资行为提供了很好的理论支持。技术因素(T)是管理层作出R&D投资决策的基础;组织因素(O)是企业R&D投资决策的内在动力;而环境因素(E)是转型经济中影响企业R&D投资决策的外在动力,其中以组织因素对企业R&D投资决策的影响最大。文章还进一步探讨了R&D投入后价值创造的作用机制,并提出了价值创造的冰山模型且进行了实证检验。研究结果证明了R&D创造价值的过程同时受企业的技术专属性与互补性资产的影响,从而为Teece(1986)有关资源观在R&D价值创造中的相关理论提供了强有力的实证依据。 This paper studies the effect of TOE on enterprise's R&D investment and the value creation mechanism of R&D. Taken listed companies for example, we discover : ( 1 ) The TOE frame has worked remarkably well for explaining the enterprise's R&D investment behavior: as technical factors are the foundation of R&D investment decision; the organizational factors are the internal motive ; market centrality and intellectual property protection are the external factors. (2) With further study we analyze how the R&D investment affects the enterprise's performance and propose an "Ice Modal" and demonstrate it. (3) The result of this paper proves that the R&D creation process of value is affected by both technical specificity and complementary asset, thus empirically examines the factors of Teece's theory for R&D value-creation.

关 键 词: R&D 技术 组织 环境 价值创造 技术专属性 互补性资产

分 类 号: [F830.59]

领  域: []


