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Is Western Economics since 1830 Vulgar Economics?

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

出  处: 《政治经济学评论》 2015年第3期39-50,共12页

摘  要: 从世界文明史这一大视阈来看,经济学的发展也是各国在思想和理论上相互交流、补充、碰撞和融合的结果。而在经济全球化时代,两种社会制度、两种经济学体系并存的背景之下,正确解读马克思关于1830年以来的西方经济学是庸俗经济学的论断,正确理解当代西方经济学的两重性,以及它与马克思主义经济学的关系,意义尤为重要。一部经济思想史告诉我们,应该遵循"使社会的一切要素从属于自己,或者把自己还缺乏的器官从社会中创造出来"1的经济学发展规律。一方面,只注重从属型发展观,盲目崇拜和全盘照收西方经济学是不可取的,应该谨防当代西方经济学的庸俗性质、意识形态性或者资本利益取向;另一方面,只注重创造型发展观,全盘否定和排斥西方经济学也是不可取的;应该重视当代西方经济学的实用性或者科学性。我们有这个理论自信和创造能力,通过伟大的亿万人民的革命实践,构筑中国特色的马克思主义政治经济学。与此同时,我们可以少走弯路,发挥后发优势,从当代西方经济学中吸收和借鉴适合于中国国情的合理因素。 From a grand perspective of world civilization, development of economics is the result of thoughts and theories from each nation communicating, complementing colliding and blending with each other. However, in the age of economic globalization, to understand correctly on the duality of western economics and its relationship with Marxist economics is of upmost importance under the circumstance that two social sys- tems co-exist and two economics systems co-exist. A history of economic thought tells us. we should follow the rule of the development of economics, which is “subordinating all elements of society to itself, or in creating out of it the organs which it still lacks”. On one hand, it is not advisable to focus only on subordinating development outlook. We should be aware of the vulgar, ideological nature or capital interest orientation in western economics. On the other hand, it is not advisable to focus only on innovative development outlook as well as to totally negate and exclude western economics. We should value the practicability and scientificalness in contemporary western economics. Through hundreds of millions of Chinese people's practice of revolution, we can have the theoretical confidence and creative capability to construct Marxist political economy with Chinese characteristics. At the same time, we can avoid detours and make the advan- tage of late-development by absorbing knowledge and borrowing ideas that suit China's specific conditions from western economics.

关 键 词: 庸俗经济学 创造型发展观 从属型发展观 当代西方经济学

领  域: []


作者 梁强
作者 丁霞
作者 苏河
作者 王则柯
作者 张壬癸


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 广东财经大学
机构 东莞理工学院成人教育学院
