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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

出  处: 《重庆三峡学院学报》 2017年第1期72-77,共6页

摘  要: 伍秉镛是乾嘉时期广州怡和行商二代,早年曾参加科举考试,落第而归。其后,他的家族通过捐纳的方式为其谋得官位。然而做官非其所爱,他最终选择辞官回到广州,参与家族事务。伍秉镛酷爱赋诗作画。绘画师法元末明初的倪瓒,诗歌风格温柔平和,具有唐代白居易之风。伍秉镛一生富足、少愤懑,这是其诗歌风格平和的主因。 Wu Bingyong was the second generation of Yihe merchants of Guangzhou in Qing Dynasty. He had participated in the imperial examinations but failed. Later, his family donated him a position in the government. However, he did notdream to be an official, so he chose to resign and returned to Guangzhou, and then participate in family business. Wu Bingyong loved painting and poetry. He learned painting from Nizan who was a famous painter in the late Yuan and early Qing dynasty. His poems were soft and gentle, which are similar to Bai Juyi's in the Tang dynasty. The paper points out that the peaceful poetic style was out of his good family fortune which brought him little worry and angry.

关 键 词: 清代 怡和行 伍秉镛 捐纳 绘画 作诗 平和

分 类 号: [I112]

领  域: []


