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Study on service demands towards Institute of Postpartum Care

作  者: ; ; (黄舒蓉); (常羽丰); (邹芳亮);

机构地区: 南方医科大学护理学院

出  处: 《中国实用护理杂志》 2016年第3期-,共5页

摘  要: 目的 了解孕产妇对产后月子机构的态度与服务需求,以便其为产妇提供针对性的服务项目.方法 采取自行设计的调查表,针对产后月子机构的态度以及服务内容需求对285名孕产妇进行调查.结果 97.9%(279/285)的孕产妇认为产后坐月子非常重要,50.2%(143/285)的孕产妇对月子机构感兴趣.孕产妇认为产后月子机构主要的3个优势分别为节约产妇与家人的精力、医学专业知识与技术及避免家庭矛盾;主要存在的3个问题为价钱偏高、没有监督机制以及环境陌生且与家人相处少;服务项目需求得分为4分以上的需求项为33个,占总计分需求项的78.6%;得分最高的3个模块分别为清洁服务(4.64±0.47)分、产后婴儿服务(4.45±0.41)分、咨询服务(4.41 ±0.53)分.结论 产后护理的专业服务已成为一种趋势和社会需求,大部分产妇对产后月子机构感兴趣,需求较高.产后月子机构应充分利用其资源集中的优势,针对需求,有的放矢地提供产后服务项目,并加强构建产后月子机构行业统一服务标准以及评鉴指标,以提高服务质量. Objective To investigate the maternal attitude and demands for Institute of Postpartum Care in order to provide targeted services.Methods 285 women were a investigated about maternal attitude and demands towards Institute of Postpartum Care with self-designed questionnaire.Results 97.9% (279/285) women thought sitting the month (puerperal period) was very important,50.2% (143/285)women were interested in Institute of Postpartum Care.They thought the main three advantages were energy saving,medical expertise and technology and avoidance of family conflicts;The three major issues were high price,lack of monitoring mechanism and unfamiliar environment and less family company;33 items of services demands over four points accounted for 78.6%,the three modules with highest scores were cleaning services scored 4.64±0.47,newborn services scored 4.45±0.41,consultation service scored 4.41:±0.53.Conclusions Professional postnatal care services have been a trend and social need,and a large proportion of women have great interest and demand on Institute of Postpartum Care which should make full use of its concentrate resources,and provide specific services according to maternal demands for services.It is urgent to build unified service standards and evaluation indicators to improve service quality.

关 键 词: 产褥期 月子机构 需求调查

领  域: [文化科学]




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