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Study on Policy Support in the Upgrading of Guangdong’s Marine Industrial Structure

导  师: 白福臣

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东海洋大学

摘  要: 自1994年“海洋强省”战略目标确立以来,广东省海洋产业经济逐步进入蓬勃发展时期,据相关数据显示,2000~2008年间,广东省海洋产业年平均增长速度高达14/%。与此同时,海洋三次结构日趋合理,基本实现“三、二、一”结构发展模式。其中,第三产业发展尤为迅速,一跃成为国内沿海省份的佼佼者,但与国内海洋经济大省相比,广东海洋产业内部结构仍存在科技含量低、传统产业比重大、产业聚集效应不明显等问题,致使广东海洋产业整体缺乏竞争力,海洋产业结构亟待优化。鉴于此,本文从公共政策学的角度出发,以广东省海洋产业结构为研究对象,探讨在充分尊重市场规律的前提下,广东省政府应如何发挥其经济管理职能,以公共政策为主要工具,引导、协助、支持海洋产业结构实现进一步的转化,加快广东省由经济大省向海洋强省跨越的战略性转变的步伐。 本文共分为四部分:文章首先对海洋产业结构与海洋产业政策的相关概念及理论进行界定、评析,为全文的论述奠定理论基础;其次,对现今国内外海洋产业经济发展与政府政策制定等方面的最新资料进行梳理,选择摘录欧盟、美国、韩国、台湾地区海洋产业政策,并在此基础之上,总结先进的海洋产业经济发展经验,以期为广东省海洋产业发展提供崭新的发展思路;再次,利用静态与动态分析相结合的研究方法对广东省海洋产业结构做全面分析,通过定性与定量的分析可以发现,广东省海洋产业结构存在增长趋势与其产业结构优化不同步、高新技术产业发展缓慢未形成规模、缺乏导向未来的主导海洋产业等问题,可见,广东省海洋产业结构仍有进一步优化的空间,而政府作为市场秩序的维护者,政府干预成为海洋管理的必然选择,同时政府自身的优势也决定政府必须承担起海洋产业经济发展的重任,充分发挥其政策引导作用,引导和支持海洋产业结构优化顺利实现。其次,本文对广东省现存的海洋产业政策作出分析,剖析政策在运行过程中存在的问题,进而提出结构优化政策选择以及实施手段;再次,为了更好的说明政策对产业结构优化的支持作用,本文选取海洋主导产业做实证性的研究,演示支持性产业政策在实践中如何实现对资金、劳动力、高新技术以及陆域产业支持等生产要素流向的引导作用,进而实现由海洋主导产业为突破点的海洋产业整体结构改革;最后,从强化主导产业培育政策、海洋管理体制、多元融资体制、科技兴海四个方面提出政策扶助建议,希冀广东省通过海洋产业结构的战略性调整,最终实现陆域与海洋经济的综合经济优势。 With the strategic target of strong marine province established, Guangdong province has entered into the period of flourishing development. According to the relevant dates revealed, within the period of 2000 to 2008, the average growth rate of Guangdong has up to reasonable, we can say that the objection of better development mode has realized. However, comparing with another stronger marine province, inevitably, it still exist the problem of technical content lower, the rate of industrial agglomerating effect vagueness. Doubtlessly, the marine industry of Guangdong lack competitive capability, and the industrial structure urgent to prompt. Therefore, this thesis based on the knowledge of science of public policy and took the marine industrial structure as research object to study government how to play its economic management function to achieve further transformation and speed up the step of economy-prosperous province transforming into stronger marine province. The body of the article is divided into four parts. Firstly, I defined and analyzed the relevant conception as well as theories about the structure, polices of marine industries, which laid the foundation for the whole discussion. Secondly, I raked both home and abroad the latest sources about the development of marine industries and the government polices, selecting the marine polices from European Union, America, Korea and Taiwan. On the basis of this, some advanced marine industrial experiences were summarized, hoping to provide brand new ideas for the development of Guangdong marine industries. Thirdly, after overall analysis of Guangdong marine industries by a method integrating static analysis with dynamic analysis, qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, it was found that there are many problems in Guangdong marine industrial structure, such as growth tend are out of steps with industrial structure optimization, slow increase of new high-tech industry result in limit scales, lack of future-oriented marine leading industries. Obviously, it exist further optimizing space for Guangdong marine industries. The government, as the maintainer of markets orders, has to intervene in the marine management, meanwhile, the intrinsic advantages of government determine that the authorities have no choice to take responsible for the marine industrial development, giving full play to its’polices’leading function, guiding and supporting marine industrial structure optimization. Fourthly, the author analyzed the current marine industrial polices in Guangdong, dissecting the problems form polices operation, then addressing proposals on optimizing structure and means of implementation. Fifthly, for better explaining the supporting function of polices to industrial structure optimization, I chose the marine leading industries for positive research, demonstrated the guiding function of supportive industrial polices to agent of production, like capital, labor, high-tech and continental industries, then, achieving the overall marine industrial structural innovation by break-through point from marine leading industries. Finally, supportive polices were presented from four aspects, which are strengthening leading industries through nurturing polices, marine management system, mutil-finacing system, marine development by reliance on science and technology. In a short, Guangdong, by means of strategical adjustment of marine industrial structure, can finally achieve the land and sea comprehensive economic advantage.

关 键 词: 海洋产业结构优化 政策支持 结构分析 产业政策

分 类 号: [F127]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 林万泉
作者 段润来
作者 刘淑春
作者 叶卫平
作者 曾海舰


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学岭南学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟