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Study on the Farmland Financial Innovation in the Course of Rural Land Circulation

导  师: 李定安

学科专业: 020204

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 中国历来重视农业发展,国家在宏观层面上十分重视解决“三农问题”。而农地流转是解决三农问题的核心所在:要发展现代化农业,就要走规模经营的路子,这就要求农地相对集中,只有推行农地流转才能为规模经营创造条件;要增加农民收入,就要增加农民的财产性收入,也即土地流转收入;要发展农村建设就离不开巨额的资金支持,农地流转为农村融资提供了不可多得的条件,从而改善农村建设长期面临的融资难问题。可见,促进农地流转意义重大、刻不容缓。 从农地金融对农地流转的促进作用切入是本文研究农地流转的一个新视角。农地作为一种生产要素进入市场流通,就具有了商品的性质,农地使用权的出租、出让、抵押、入股就类似于商品的流通过程,既然存在商品流通就需要以货币作为交换媒介,即要建立农地金融市场为农地流转提供支持。目前,我国农地交易的市场化程度低,一定程度上制约了我国农地流转,究其原因,关键在于有支付能力的市场需求不足,所以,要促进农村土地使用权流转市场化,就离不开农地金融的建立。本文重点研究农地金融市场中的三种金融创新:土地银行制度、农地抵押贷款制度和农地资产证券化制度,这三种农地金融制度在我国尚属新鲜事物。通过分析我国当前的现实情况,本文探讨了建立适合我国当前国情的土地银行、农地抵押贷款和农地资产证券化制度。最后本文得出结论如下:土地银行作为农地流转的中介机构,实现了农地集中,直接促进了农地使用权的流转;农地抵押贷款制度作为农地金融制度的核心,从资金支持和需求诱导两个方面促进了农地流转市场的发展;而农地资产证券化则实现了我国农地收益权的流转,且提供了一种更有效率的融资方式。在我国发展农地金融制度可以有效促进农地流转的市场化发展。 Agriculture is always very important in china. Government has always been attaching great importance to“three-dimensional rural problems”. And the key factor to resolve the“three-dimensional rural problems”is the circulation of rural land. The reasons are as follows: first of all, the development of modernized Agriculture means developing scale operation. And only if the circulation market of rural land has been established can the land be grouped to rancher to accomplish the scale operation. Secondly, farmers can increase the property income by transferring the possession of rural land. Finally, to develop village construction, there should be substantial capital to support it and circulation of rural land offers good conditions to finance rural area. So it is very essential to promote circulation of rural land. Once farmland enters into market as a factor of production, it owns the attribute of commodity. The circulation needs currency as medium, which means building farmland finance market to support the circulation of rural land. At present, the development of circulation market of rural land is primeval, which impedes the development of circulation of farmland to some extent. The main reason is the insufficient market demand with paying ability. This thesis mainly focuses on three financial systems of farmland finance: the land bank system, the farmland mortgage system and the farmland assets securitization system, which are fresh conceptions in our country yet. The paper try to investigate how to establish the system of land bank, farmland mortgage and farmland assets securitization. We finally propose the following conclusions: As the intermediary of circulation of rural land, land bank implement the concentration of landholding and promote the circulation of land use rights directly; As the kernel of farmland finance, the farmland mortgage system expedite the development of circulation market of rural land by both financial support and demand inducement; Moreover the farmland assets securitization realize the circulation of rural land income rights. Developing farmland finance in our country can effectively boost the marketization of the circulation of rural land.

关 键 词: 农地流转 农地金融 土地银行 农地抵押 农地资产证券化

分 类 号: [F321.1 F832.4]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 李振义
作者 石敏
作者 李帅
作者 陈利昌
作者 符遐龄


机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 广东金融学院
机构 暨南大学经济学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟