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Research on Possession Offenses

导  师: 徐松林

学科专业: 030104

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 所谓持有型犯罪,是指故意对刑法规定的特定物品进行事实上或者法律上的非法控制或支配,并且对该特定物品的非法控制或支配不构成其他犯罪的一类罪。其有持有行为的无因性、持有行为的无目的性、持有行为的无果性、行为对象的特定性等特征。 持有特定物品的行为之所以被犯罪化,是因为其持有行为侵犯了该特定的管理制度,同时给社会秩序和安全造成潜在的威胁。由于持有对象的特殊性,持有型犯罪注定就具有预防严重犯罪、严密法网的堵截犯罪功能以及强化社会防卫的价值,其实现途径就是立法者运用立法技术,在刑事实体法上实际改变了刑事证明的内容,降低了持有型犯罪的入罪难度,而并不是有的学者们提出的无行为责任、严格责任、举证责任倒置等破坏程序正义之举。但是其功能和价值都不妨碍持有型犯罪的立法依据持有行为的社会危害性,其评价的有且只有持有行为,因此在设置法定刑要适当。 持有是持有型犯罪首要的客观要件,明确其内涵和性质以及认定甚为重要。持有是对特定物品事实上或者法律上的支配和控制,且其有一定的时间延续性。“无行为则无犯罪”,持有型犯罪的问责基础是持有行为,而不是一种状态或者其他;持有型犯罪是不得持有特定物品而持有,违反的是禁止性规范,又禁止性规范和命令性规范的分野可以决定作为与不作为的界限,因此,持有无疑是一种作为行为,不作为说和第三种行为说是没有依据的。因此,公民只要不非法持有特定物品即可,而不得以持有行为是不作为为借口而强加给公民将其偶然或者暂时控制的特定物品交付管理部门的义务。 尽管持有型犯罪已有一定历史,但其立法却并未尽善尽美,而是存在一些不足,具体表现为立法随意、规范性不强、法定刑配置不协调等,应当根据这些不足之处予以修正。 Possession offenses is a kind of crime that illegally controlling or dominating specific items in fact or in law which were forbidden by the criminal law deliberately, and the possession can't be treated as any amended forms of other crimes. They have many characters such as the possessing without cause, the possessing without purpose, the possessing without harm, specified conduct object. The reason why possessing certain items is criminal, is that it has violated the specific management system, and the social order and security have a potential threat. As the specified conduct object, possession offenses have the capabilities of preventing serious crime to happen, improving the criminal law system and protect public interest, its implementation means are that legislators use legislative techniques in criminal substantive law to actually change the criminal certificate content, reduce the difficulties of convicting, rather than some scholars regard as no conduct liability, no fault liability, the transference of proof burden. However, the functions and values of possession offenses do not obstruct holding those acts illegal basis for its harmful to society, their evaluation of the one and only holders of behavior, so set the legal punishment should be appropriate. It is very important to find the meaning Of possessing, as it's the chief element of the offense. Possession means one has legal control or physical control of a specific article, and continuity of its certain period of time. 'No act, no criminal,' the basis of possession offense is possession, but not a state or any others; possession offense is violating the criminal law to possess specific article, which disobey the prohibition norms. Also the distinction between prohibition norms and command norms can determine the boundaries of acts and omissions, therefore, possession is an act, and the omission theory and the third form of the criminal conduct are no baizes. Therefore, the citizens need only not to illegally possess certain items, do not impose the citizens a duty that delivery the specific articles that they hold for casual or provisional to specific agents. Despite the possession offense has a long history in our country, the legislation is not perfect, while there are some inadequacies, such as random description, disharmony of statutory penalties, and those should be amended.

关 键 词: 持有型犯罪 持有 立法依据 立法价值

分 类 号: [D924.3]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


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